Are We Horrible Friends?

I have REALLY been struggling lately.

I’ve just been struggling with not reading my Bible, not praying as much or spending as much time with God as I should be.

I wake up, get dressed, I eat breakfast and leave for work…

My life feels SO busy and I forget to make time for Jesus.

I try to lie to myself and say that I just haven’t had time…that Jesus would understand.

But in my free times I’m on social media, texting friends or hanging out with them, watching movies or reading a random novel.

None of those are wrong. They are all great things and relationships are important in our lives.

But our relationship with Jesus should be the most important.

If our best friend wants to talk to us, we talk. If our friends are feeling rejected, we strive to do better.

And all the while, we just trample and leave Jesus in the dust. We say we love Him, but while our desire might be to glorify Him, our actions speak louder. We run off with our own friends and we shop and watch and eat and drink and are merry, but we aren’t filled with Jesus because you haven’t spent time working on your relationship with Him.

You can’t expect to have a best-friend relationship with Jesus if He’s the only one ever being a friend to you.

12 thoughts on “Are We Horrible Friends?”

  1. Keziah, you’re right! You’re the second source I’ve heard this message from recently; we need to stay in the Word! I love reading the Proverb for the day (if its May 30th, I’ll read Proverbs 30) and currently I’m reading the prophetic books! It’s really neat, because the small biblical books often don’t get as much attention, and there’s so many gems!
    Love you, friend!

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  2. Ah, I was just recently learning how to have more balance in my life and choose my priorities. Thanks for this reminder, Keziah!

    P.S How has your Memorial Day weekend been?


  3. Keziah you literally wrote about right where I’m at. I’ve been working off and on and doing my devotions has been hard to prioritize. I like to do them in the morning as I fall asleep more easily at night, but it’s been hard for me to have the energy to do it and to wake up in time to have my devotions – it’s always a struggle in the summertime with my devotions….really trying to work on getting better at keeping my devotions going even though life is going to get super busy in a few days!
    Thanks you ❤️

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