You’re Not Alone. Never Have Been. Never Will Be.

Some days, I don't like how much I weigh.  Some days, I hate how poofy my hair gets.  Some days, I feel anxious about the smallest things.  Some days, I feel stressed because my house isn't clean.  Some days, I start to cry and I'm not sure why I am. Some days, I feel stupid. … Continue reading You’re Not Alone. Never Have Been. Never Will Be.

You MUST Be Careful With Your Friends

I am SO tired of people being too scared to do something, just because of what another person thinks. Our culture is saturated in this though and we must not only be careful with what we care about, but also how we influence others. I was in a clothing store recently and there were two… Continue reading You MUST Be Careful With Your Friends


The last couple of months, I have really been struggling with jealousy. In the past, I've struggled with this, but not QUITE to the degree that I have, this year. It's just come full on to me and it seems as though I'm jealous of almost everyone and everything. BUT. JESUS. He has TRULY been… Continue reading STOP With The IDENTITY CRISIS

Don’t Focus JUST On Jesus’ Birth This Christmas ❤

I feel like we don't focus on the BIG picture when it comes to Christmas. We have separated Jesus's death from Christmas and focus on His BIRTH. Which isn't bad. Christmas is, after all, centered around Him being born. However, as soon as we lose focus of WHY He came to earth in the first… Continue reading Don’t Focus JUST On Jesus’ Birth This Christmas ❤

please stop for a moment

STOP for the beauty around you, EVEN when you're late and b.r.e.a.t.h.e. it in. It will refresh you and restore your soul. Enjoy the little moments. Laugh often, worry less. Look for the seemingly little, yet impossibly pretty things in life that everybody else misses. Life sings beauty when you look for it and beauty… Continue reading please stop for a moment