Wake up!!!

WAKE UP TO WHAT YOU ARE CALLED TO, PEOPLE!!!! Women, you've been called to be feminine. I'm not telling you to go and get married and have 20 kids. I'm saying, you are literally called to be feminine and act like an honorable woman, being gracious and loving. A woman who others can turn to,… Continue reading Wake up!!!

It’s Fake When It Shouldn’t Be.

Why on earth is it even okay for a teenage guy, totally capable of being able to make logical choices, to wear a dress? Especially to a prom?? USATODAY wrote on how a CEO of a telehealth company was fired from his job, for insulting a young man who wore a dress to prom, accompanied… Continue reading It’s Fake When It Shouldn’t Be.

Women Weren’t Meant To Be Weak.

I have always had this deep yearning inside of me, which I think most women push away. The yearning to be pregnant and to have kids and to raise a family...It' something which I've longed for and felt a tugging at my heart for. Something I've always wanted and prayed for. Photo by Anna Shvets… Continue reading Women Weren’t Meant To Be Weak.