Stop Living In Your Fear Fence

At our house, we have a horse and two cows. To keep them from escaping, we have an electric fence around the property. The electric fence literally only consists of two lines that are stretched along the land - one line on the bottom and one on the top, with a large, open gap in… Continue reading Stop Living In Your Fear Fence

I’m Engaged!

Quick Life Update! My favorite person asked me to marry him yesterday and we couldn't be happier. ❤ We're getting marred in August. ❤ If y'all want an invite to our big party, contact me via my contact form and I'll mail you an invitation once we get them. ❤ "Your time is limited, so… Continue reading I’m Engaged!

Just Keep Trusting

Lately, I've really been having a hard time trusting God. I know that everybody is constantly saying it... "Just trust God! Everything will turn out okay! Don't worry!" And yet, when you're stuck in the middle of life and you KNOW what you want to do, but you don't know where God wants you, or… Continue reading Just Keep Trusting

Checking In Here!

Hey y'all! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just checking in, here... I am wondering how my blog is doing? Are y'all feeling encouraged by you enjoy it at all? I haven't gotten a ton of feedback lately, so I am just wanting to see if this is a good idea to continue, or if I need to move… Continue reading Checking In Here!

The Art of Observation

Unfortunately, observation in and of itself, is something which our society as a whole, is rapidly ignoring. The notion that one might slow down in life and simply observe the surroundings about...why, it's quite unheard of. And yet, if we were to do this one, simple act... If we were to but slow down for… Continue reading The Art of Observation

2022 Goals

Good morning everyone!! Today, I wanted to talk about my 2022 goals and I wanted to ask what y'alls' are? I have had some people tell me that they don't make any goals each year. I really think that it is a good idea to make goals, though. Even if you don't end up completing… Continue reading 2022 Goals

Honor Him. Don’t Insult.

I was reading in my Bible in Proverbs, and came across a verse which I hadn't noticed, before. "Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but He who is generous to the needy honors Him." - Proverbs 14:31 So, this is basically saying that when we don't help those around us who so desperately… Continue reading Honor Him. Don’t Insult.

You ARE Forgiven

Talking to God the other day, I realized something. I realized, I don't need to ask God to forgive me. Why? Because I AM already forgiven. Why did Jesus die on the cross for us? To pay for our sins. We don't need to ask Jesus to forgive us. He already has. That does not… Continue reading You ARE Forgiven